Thanks for your contribution in Patrory International Foundation.
by Sahnoor Alam
This is the online process for donating UNSIS Membership Ren
by Sahnoor Alam
This is a seminar that Patrory International Foundation orga
by Sahnoor Alam
This is the online process to pay the annual picnic fee of o
by Sahnoor Alam
A few days ago an old man was sitting on the footpath. As I
by Sahnoor Alam
Just imagine! You are standing on the street in the wind ch
by Sahnoor Alam
Patrory International is a social serving non-profit organiz
by Sahnoor Alam
Patrory International is a social serving non-profit organis
by Sahnoor Alam
Offer! Offer!Offer! No we are not offering. Allah (SWT) hims
by Sahnoor Alam
Greetings to our donor who has come to serve mankind. Please
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